Tournament Organization

Organizing the RoboCup requires a lot more than knowing the rules. The SSL committee maintains a requirements document with all the details that make up a full fledged tournament. It is used to make sure that the local organizers set up the venue to the leagues needs.

As this document can also be very valuable for teams to organize their own tournaments or to set up their own home fields, we will publish the requirements document of each RoboCup starting with 2022.

Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2022

Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2023

Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2024

In addition to the normal requirements document we also have a network requirements document, since the team responsible to setup the networking infrastructure at the RoboCup and the venue organization / the contractor to build the field are usually different. Also the networking requirements have their own complexity for why it is separated from the main document.

Network Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2022

Network Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2023

Network Requirements for RoboCup SSL 2024